The Tetrahedron Beamer
This product combines a regular Beamer with a solid tetrahedron. It is our "professional" model, and is recommended for use as a non-invasive acupuncture product. It emanates a much stronger field than the Beamer.
Everything Is energy. Humans are beings of
energy: both electrical and chemical. Since most Western understanding
of the body Is "newtonlan" and therefore chernlcallyoriented,
over 500/0 of our "Belngness" Is not addressed.
A major factor In the "well-being" of the body is
the unimpeded flow of energy through Its' electrical systems.
The focus of the Beamer products Is to enhance and to assist
In balancing the electrical aspect of ourselves. The Beamer
products uniquely broadcast high resonance subtle energy that
can be applIed In a number of ways.
Sample Applications for the Tetrahedron Beamer
Note: For brevity, reference to the Beamer means the Tetrahedron Beamer. A beam of energy emanates from the tip of the Beamer To "Beam" anything means to hold the Beamer a few inches over the object and to aim the tip of the Beamer at the object for a few seconds. The charge is virtually instantaneous.
- "Beam" your food and beverage before consuming. We have performed many tests on the Beamer to show that "beamed" food is beneficial. (see our literature entitled "Make Your Food Your Medicine" for more information.) When "Beaming" a plate of food, hold the Beamer a few inches over the plate, and move it horizontally or vertically to ensure that all of the food has been charged. "Beaming" the food helps to make the food more balancing and therapeutic to all parts of your body. Symptoms of allergies can be reduced or neutralized. Many people respond that the food tastes lighter, less bitter, that it digests better. Coffee and wine are good to demonstrate before and after "beaming".
- "Beam" your nutritional products and supplements to enhance their potency and to make them more balancing and assimilable to your body. Often, less dosage is required for the same effect. Muscle test before and after "beaming" for verification.
- Hold your "beamed" supplement on the shaft of the Beamer, and then "beam" your food or beverage. Since the Beamer is a transducer of energy, the energy of the supplement will now be in your food, and the efficacy of the supplement will be further enhanced. A fun demonstration is to hold a slice of lemon on the shaft of the Beamer and then to "beam" a glass of water. Most people report they can faintly taste the lemon in the water. Electro-Dermal Screening has proven that the energy of the supplement is transferred into the food and beverage.
- "Beam" your cosmetics, cleansers, soaps, and other such products. Try a product on one side of the face. Then "beam" it and apply to the other side of the face. Feel the difference!
- Use the Beamer to help open the flow of life energy wIthin your body. An easy way is to hold the point of the Beamer on the end of each fingertip until you feel the flow of the energy. Some report tingling, others report a sensation of heat or cold. Repeat with each fingertip. This procedure can be used on the end of each toe as well. It provides an easy overall tuneup. If meridians are blocked, you may not initially feel the energy, but it will be helping to open the blockage. Once meridians are open, a few seconds for each finger or toe is generally sufficient. Blocked meridians will require more time. Treat one hand and then feel the difference between your hands.
- Use the Beamer on the body as a non-InvasIve acupuncture Device. If energy blockage is the cause, the Beamer can be very effective. If you are aware of the meridian points, use the Beamer on the appropriate meridian points. If not, use the Beamer on the areas of pain. This may require anywhere from a few seconds to twenty or more minutes, depending upon the extent of the energy blockage. Krystaline has received many reports of pain being alleviated from causes as diverse as arthritis, headaches, backaches, chronic pain, sprained ankles and wrists, spurs, sore necks, tendonitis, bursitis, and many other complaints. The pain can intensify momentarily as the pressure is being released.
- Use the Beamer on the acupucture points of your face for a mini facial. It provides a lift for the face, and can be pleasantly energizing.
- The Beamer can be very effective for enhancing meditations. Hold the Beamer in your left hand (either works, but the left is generally the more receptive side) and sit quietly. Balanced meridians improve the ability to become centered and connected. The Beamer also connects you to your first light body. For many, this will be the first time they connect to the higher dimensions in a conscious state. Kirlian photography has shown that the energy emanating from the Beamer appears as white light. Enjoy!
- Use the Beamer to help clear negativity. One of the inert gas components of the Beamer is very effective at dissipating negativity. Think a negative thought, then hold the Beamer and try to have the same negative thought. It takes much more energy! Good for situations when you are ready to release negativity.
- "Beam" crystals and gemstones to clear them of unwanted energies.
- Holding the Beamer in your hand increases your aura or life-energy field. This is verified by Kirlian photography. The average increase is in the range of 35-40%. Holding the Beamer (again, the left side is generally the more receptive side) therefore increases the energy available to the body for its' well-being. This increases the capability of the body to balance and to heal itself. The Beamer makes a good "teddy-bear" substitute.
- Sit and sleep in the field of the Beamer. The beam broadcasts in a lampshade fashion from the point of the Beamer. The first field is approximately six inches from the point and this is most appropriate for "beaming" food, beverages and supplements. The second field is up to seven feet. The third field extends approximately twenty feet. The second and third fields are appropriate for sitting and sleeping within. It is recommended that you begin at least seven feet away until your body has acclimatized to the Beamer .
- Place the Beamer in your bath water and enjoy a bath in the charged water.
- Beam the water you use to water your plants. They appreciate the energy as well.
- Your pets may appreciate having their food and water "beamed". They'll let you know.
- Sit In the field of the Beamer while you are in the car. Your alertness and focus are able to be increased by the larger flow of life-force energy.
- Sit In the field of the Beamer while you work at the computer. Computer screens tend to drain your energy, whereas the Beamer increases your energy. People who work with computers tend to appreciate it, since they do not leave the computer feeling as fatigued. Place it at least 18 inches away from electrical components, including the computer screen.
- Aromatherapy can be greatly simplified by using the Beamer. One drop of the essence on the shaft of the Beamer broadcasts the essence throughout the room. People who are sensitive to energies feel the change in the entire energy of the room. It is no longer necessary to hassle with the diffusers.
- Since the Beamer is a transducer of energy, broadcast your heart energy while you are using it. Many people report that they notice a difference in their food when they project their heart energy as they "beam" the food. Try "beaming" your food and tasting it. Then, "beam" the food again, this time broadcasting your heart energy. Experience the difference! The food is more like Grandma's home cooking, prepared with love.
- Become involved with the Beamer. Use your thoughts and your heart energy while working on your body. The Beamer will amplify these energy waveforms (remember that the Beamer will not transduce negative waveforms- a built in security feature!). Heart energy has been proven to be 14 times stronger than thought energy for therapy.
- The Tetrahedron Is a powerful interface between the higher dimensions & the third dimension. Adding the tetrahedron to the Beamer increases both the Beamer's bandwidth and its 'strength.
$ 297.00