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  "During his research Michael became aware of an ability to channel energy. Michael channels Divine life force energies to clients' bodies and auras assisting their natural healing abilities."  


Oneness Blessing or "Deeksha"

The Oneness Blessing, also known as Deeksha, is an intelligent energy directly transmitted by a Oneness Blessing Facilitator to a receiver.
The experience opens the heart and brings a shift in perception where one realizes the sense of a separate self is an illusion.

Receiving helps people from all nationalities,all races,all religions and spiritual paths,through personal experiences and heart awakenings, to discover the truth of their own nature.

Devic Space Clearing/Co-creative Earth Healing

Michael does Energy Dowsing, Geopathic Assessment of Properties & Onsite or Remote Devic Clearings. No therapy or healing practice can have any lasting effect if you are working in a sick building or space.
Geopathic stress is the documented cause of many chronic conditions.
Michael follows Divine inspiration and works with the "devas"to assess and clear away geopathic stress, noxious energies, old emotional residue and trapped spirits or entities on both your property and physical body. This is done on site or from a distance.

DEVAS ARE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF "ALL THAT IS". Deva,the root for the word Divine, means "body of light" in Sanskrit.
A deva is a member of the angelic realm who organizes, structures, transmits, and holds the archetype. A "thought form" through which an object is materialized into physicality. The consciousness of place or thing. We can communicate with and assist the Devas through conscious acts of co-creation.

For more information, contact Michael.

Assisted Self-Healing

For years Michael has channeled life force healing energy to help on both the physical and emotional levels.

Michael was certified as a Quantum Touch® practitioner and instructor, a Reconnection™ Therapy practitioner and Vibro-Accoustic Sound Therapist He provides energy treatments which integrate these modalities creating an energetic mix which he would simply call "Assisted Self Healing", as it is always the client who heals while the practitioner channels Divine energy..

Gem Essences

The Living Light Essences are a series of self healing essences based on vibrational medicine and homeopathic principles that can give a new positive direction to your life. When you take Living Light Essences, unwanted quailities such as doubt, anxiety, fear and poor self-esteem are transformed into such positive qualities as love, truth, peace, courage and strength. They are available over the counter or with an alchemical assessment, recommendations can be done on site or form a distance .

Time for an assessment varies from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on need.


Healing Modalities

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